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File Created: 27-Apr-2021 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  30-Apr-2021 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name GIZMO, BIG BEAR Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 093F025
Status Showing NTS Map 093F06E
Latitude 053º 16' 35'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 125º 03' 31'' Northing 5904994
Easting 362743
Commodities Copper, Silver Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Gizmo occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1600 metres on a west-facing slope, northeast of Fawnie Creek and approximately 5.3 kilometres west of Fawnie Dome.

The region is within the Intermontane Belt, underlain dominantly by Lower to Middle Jurassic volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Hazelton Group and Middle to Upper Jurassic Bowser Lake Group sedimentary and volcanic rocks. These assemblages are overlain by Upper Cretaceous to Eocene Ootsa Lake Group phyric rhyolite flows, Eocene Endako Group andesite flows and Miocene Chilcotin Group basalt flows.

Locally, quartz-epidote veins host malachite.

In 2012, a rock sample (E5394721) assayed 2.7 grams per tonne silver and 0.829 per cent copper (Assessment Report 34134).

Work History

In 2010, Parlane Resource Corp. (Parlane) optioned the Big Bear claim from Derrick Strickland and in 2011 completed a stream silt and rock sampling program at the Big Bear property.

In 2012, Little Bear Gold Corp. and Parlane Resources Corp. completed a program of geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling, a 14.0 line-kilometre ground magnetic and induced polarization survey and six diamond drill holes, totalling 1637.5 metres, on the Big Bear property. No drilling was performed on the Gizmo zone.

In 2015 and 2016, Little Bear Gold Corp. and Parlane Resources Corp. completed further programs of prospecting, geological mapping and geochemical (rock and soil) sampling on the Big Bear property.

EMPR ASS RPT 32589, 32741, *34134, 35906, 36397, 36473, 36673, 36752
GSC MAP 1131A; 1424A